Friday 17 February 2012

The shocking story of a spoon

Yesterday, something terrible happened while MIL was feeding Janice porridge. Whenever being fed, Janice loves to bite on her kiddie plastic spoon without letting go although I have warned and scolded her many times for doing that.

During dinner yesterday, she bit on the spoon until it cracked a bit and she swallowed the tiny pieces into her stomach. MIL did not notice at all maybe because she was watching tv at the same time and did not focus on the spoon. Janice was aware that she swallowed the tiny pieces of cracked spoon and even informed MIL that she "ate the spoon". However, she was not smart enough to spit them out and it was too late.

That very night, Janice did her business in her potty. I prayed hard that she could output the pieces of spoon, but heck no, I could not find any plastic parts in her poo. MIL said it was too soon as the spoon will not be "digested" in such a short period and told us to wait till tomorrow.

And today has come, Janice made her "chocolate cake" again in the afternoon. I was away with Clayton visiting my dad. When I was back, MIL informed me the good news that Janice output the spoon together with her "chocolate cake". Boy, we were all so glad. What a huge relief!

Since that incident, MIL and I decided to throw away all the kiddie plastic utensils to be safe. I hope there is no more plastic parts left in Janice's body.

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