Monday 18 June 2012

Rainbow Closet - new stock arrival

Please pay a visit to my newly launched online boutique.

Clayton's progress

Baby now has 7 teeth and the number 8 tooth can be seen popping out from his lower gum. When given biscuits/prawn crackers, he can chew his food with crackling sound. Once you start feeding, you cannot stop otherwise he will scream! What a greedy little monster.

He started crawling forward a few weeks back and is now learning how to stand and walk. He can stand up by supporting himself on the wall/table/chair all on his own. He even surprised us with his ability to crawl up the staircase a few steps and sit on it without falling, luckily. Now this is scary and dangerous! Once a baby is mobile, never leave him/her unattended.

Just about 2 more weeks and it will be his 1st birthday. We have booked his birthday party venue and ordered his Mickey Mouse birthday cake. Oh by the way, he can say "key" which means "Mickey". When you ask him whether is there any Mickey Mouse on his shirt, he will look at his shirt and pull it to check. So cute.

His vocab until todate is just "key", "papa", "bao bao", "bor bor" and "yeye". No "mama" yet but it's ok. He loves me more than anyone else. Once I carry him, he will not let anybody to carry him already. And he will cry if he sees me go upstairs without him. I am like a magnet to him.

The most cheerful moment of him is when he wakes up early in the morning. He always flashes me with his sweetest smile when he opens his and sees me sleeping by his side.

The naughty side of him is that he dislikes sitting on the carseat for too long. He will whine and complain until you carry him out of it. Sometimes I will show him my angry face and scold him. Then his eyes will turn watery and he will begin to cry. It is amazing that a baby can understand when we are angry. I mean he is just a small little boy. But babies grow up really fast that's why I captured a lot of his photos from newborn till now. I did the same with Janice too. Millions of their photos everywhere.

Ok, this is rather a long post. Gonna stop here.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Father's Day @ Oh Sushi

It has been many times I have dined here. Nothing to boast about, just want to comment that hubby and I actually love it here due to the good food, affordable price, nice ambience and friendly staff. Mom and dad love the wagyu beef too so I suggested to bring them here again for our Father's Day celebration, together with bro and sis and their family.

Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Sunday Dim Sum @ Golden Phoenix

Teik Hoe's birthday @ Sakae Sushi

QQ pose

We are all having the promotion bento set

Clayton says hi

TH: I am only 20 years old ok

Say cheese

Thorn among the roses

Mini tiramisu cake from Bread History

We could not find any lighter so we sang birthday song without lighting up the candle

Clayton: Gimme more food!!!

We purposely sang the birthday song VERY loudly

A group photo before my camera's battery died