Friday 2 March 2012

Janice's progress at school

Janice is in Nursery 2 (N2) now and has been bringing back homework since after CNY. Daily homework includes writing of alphabets and numbers. While in N1, she was taught how to trace on dotted lines but in N2, she has to write everything on her own already. I have been guiding her on her homework all these while and she sometimes gets on my nerves because she simply scribbles and tells me "I don't know."

2 days ago, she gave me a big surprise. She finally managed to write 1 until 5 on her own, without me guiding her. Although it may not look neat and perfect, but she did it on her own. What a clever girl, I am so proud of her!

She will soon be having her exam. Yes, exam for 4 years old. I remember when it was my time, all I did at school was just sing and play. Now the society has changed, every kids need to be equipped with basic knowledge during pre-school level otherwise they will be far behind when they enter primary school. I got a shock when I heard that some parents even let their kindergarten kids attend tuition classes. I mean, come on, is there a need for that? If it is music class or art class then I can understand, but tuition class for young children, hello?! The will be no more room for fun time anymore. How I pity them.

Ok, academics aside. I will now be talking about fun time. Every Thursday, there will be water play at Janice's school compound. Teachers will set up the mini pool with floating toys inside where the kids can dip themselves in the shallow pool and have a great splashing time. When Friday comes, the school will organize something fun to do with the theme T.G.I.F.

I love the way her teachers balance the study and play session, like how the proverb goes "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." So far, Janice is showing positive sign towards her learning at school and is excited to go to school every morning. She loves to color and always requests me to draw things for her so that she can color. Besides, she also enjoys singing nursery rhymes and not forgetting dancing! She can dance and shake her butt when she is in the mood. Sometimes she can also do break dance on the floor. I don't know where she learnt that from seriously.

Ok, it has been some time since I have written such a long post. Gonna stop here. Bye.

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