Friday 14 September 2012

Clayton's cute antics

Clayton's vocab and basic understanding have improved a lot. His new words include "nai nai" (grandma) and "nen nen" (milk). Last round, he learnt the M word which was "mam mam" (eat) and "mama" (mother). Now he has moved to the N word.

He can do a lot of cute and funny actions when prompted. Recently, Janice just had her story-telling competition at school and I had been going through the practice with her daily. Clayton always watched while his sis practise until he knows how to blow kisses at the very last step when Janice says "Thank you teacher, I love you." It was so hilarious! By the way, the contest result is not out yet, hopefully Janice can win top 3.

Next funny thing is Clayton knows how to hum his favourite cartoon's opening song - Special Agent Oso. The music goes "Agent Oso!", then he will go "ngg ngg" in the correct tone! I need to record a video next time coz it is uber cute!

Every night right before bedtime, his "nai nai" will soak her feet in a tub of warm water with salt added and pat her arms for about 10 minutes while doing that. She stole this idea from a TV programme. According to her, by doing this, it improves one's blood circulation flow and reduces the risk of heart attack. When Clayton sees his "nai nai" pat her arms, he will follow exactly the same pattern. Gonna take some video on this too.

There was once Janice asked me for biscuits and I told her "One only ha!" and while saying that, I held up my hand signaling number one. Lil' Clayton saw me doing it and followed suit with his tiny index finger pointing at the air. It was so funny and when I tested him again saying "one only ha!" he automatically points up his finger.

Other cute stuff that he does:
-dance and shake his butt when he listens to hot music.
-says "charrrr" when it is raining, when he sees an aircond and when he sees her "nai nai" cooking coz all these 3 things make "charrr" sound.
-when asked "na li tong tong" (where do you feel painful?), he will automatically put his index finger on his forehead no matter where it hurts when he accidentally falls down. Even if he bumped on his butt, he will still point that his head is hurt. Super silly!
-when asked to do "O", he will make his mouth into very small "O" as if he is drinking from a straw.
-when asked "where is your eyes?", he will blink his eyes several times quickly.
-when asked "where is your ears/nose/mouth?", he will simply point. He only knows where his eyes are.
-when asked "you mei you bao bao" (are you feeling full?), he will pat slightly on his tummy.
-knows how to nod his head to say yes or when being offered with food. By the way, he never rejects food!
-knows how to shake his head to say no or when being disturbed. I especially like to kacau him while he is in his bathtub. I like to put a wet handkerchief on his back. As the handkerchief is soaked with water, it feels a bit heavy when put on his back. He will feel uncomfortable and will keep on shaking his head until I remove the wet handkerchief, haha!

So far these are all his "special abilities". Next time when he does anything funny, I will blog again.

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