Friday 21 December 2012

Hubby's birthday

Long overdue post, AGAIN! Gotta post it up before 2013!

Had a small celebration with my family at Golden Phoenix. The dimsum was good, and so was the birthday cake! We have lost faith in Jenny's cakes and have found new passion for Shervone's cakes. Well, not gonna make further comparison. Just enjoy below photos taken on early Nov. Oops!

I just realize that as we grow older, we tend to put only 1 candle no matter how old we are. And it's the same every following year. Unlike when we were small kids, we love to put many, many candles to show how big we were. And it's fun blowing all those candles!

Spiderman fans
We also had a simple celebration at home on the real day. Below cake was from Ritz, not bad either!
Yummy black forest
Janice with her party props
Clayton is paying attention to Janice's little trumpet sound
Birthday card for daddy dearest
I drew and she coloured
She chose a wrong colour for her own name, too light and barely visible

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