Wednesday 24 October 2012

Further birthday celebration

After school, we fetched Janice to a place we've never been before. It is called Strawberry Forever Dessert Cafe along Sungai Pinang, just beside Burger King. There was no other patrons at all during that lunch hour, just us. But the food serving time took quite some time. Imagine if they have more customers, how long do we have to wait?
 In hokkien, it is called "phak ho sin"
 Love this hot chocolate!
 These are all fake food on display. They look real, don't they?

For dinner, we went to CRC. Right before we go, hubby fell into a drain at our home's backlane. He was washing FIL's car and when he was done and wanted to come into the house, he accidentally stepped into the drain and that left his leg wounded quiet a big patch with blood oozing out. He immediately went to a nearby clinic and had his wound sterilized with anticeptic and the doctor even gave him an injection to prevent disease.
 Still can manage to carry Clayton
 Kah Kai did not attend Janice's birthday at Golden Sands because he was down with hand, foot and mouth disease earlier but he is ok now
Yummy prawn curry with crispy bread to dip

Janice's birthday presents

 From hubby
 From sis
 From bro
 From Da Jie
 Posing happily with all her gifts
From Da Jie, mom, MIL & FIL

Janice's 4th birthday @ Melody

This is the first time I accompanied Janice to celebrate her birthday at school. Last year, hubby went alone coz my annual leave was limited. I can still remember very clearly that I threw my resignation letter on Janice's birthday last year. This year, being a fulltime mom at home makes things easier as I can plan and schedule my own time as I like.
Big birthday signboard welcoming the birthday girl when she reached school that morning. Coincidentally, there is another girl's birthday which falls on the same day!
Angry birds cupcakes for RM6.50 per piece. Buy 2 free 1. And additional 10% discount for Shervone Cakes members! Free delivery to your doorstep too!
Is there a brown angry bird? Janice took the yellow one!
All the kids are excited to celebrate Janice's birthday
Geared up in her party hat with party packs for her classmates

With her classmates and class teacher, Miss Low 

Everybody say "Oh, yes!!!"
Singing birthday song

Do we look alike?
Happy birthday, my little girl!
Queing up to get their party packs prepared by me :)
Birthday girl posing with a little gift from Melody
Cute pair of boy and girl twins

Daddy's girl

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Janice's 4th birthday @ Golden Sands Resort

Celebrated her birthday weeks ago, just got the time to upload the photos! As usual, I am just being busy and lazy.

First time eating here at Golden Sands Resort, the food was actually not bad. When Janice's cousins knew that we are going to celebrate her birthday there, all of them got excited as the Adventure Zone was a big hit among the kids. Per kid can enter the Adventure Zone for free with one paying adult for the buffet lunch.

Ok, it's photo time!

On the way there with present from her daddy

Wearing new dress from mom

Sweet desserts

And some nyonya kuih too

Janice eating oats biscuits

Sis with her new dress

Mom looks super slim here :P

Bro and family

Clayton in Hawaiian style

With FIL & MIL

Mini burger!

Love my new hairstyle

Walking here and there

Long time didn't take couple shoot already
Playing iPad game
Big hammock

Customized Pororo birthday cake from Shervone Cakes, very yummy!
4 years old already

Clayton "am chio"
Love my 2 kids' expression!
Oops! Zeo and Yong Jia being blocked by Janice's pigtails!

Angry birthday girl

Proud grandpa with all his grandchildren

My 2 darlings

On the way to hit the Adventure Zone
Family photo take 1

Family photo take 2

Do re mi, where is fa?
I accompanied Janice to play
That's us!
Round and round, wee~

Scary for the first time
Hubby played once and accidentally scratched his arm, poor dear

Crossing the narrow bridge
The balls are flying!

This mini slide is for younger kids
Clayton is so excited with the flying balls
Clayton is afraid to step on these balls
Janice having a blast
He loves it

Cooking toys at the other corner
Little chair for little boss
End of fun time
Goodbye Golden Sands! We will definitely come back!