Thursday 10 May 2012

Clayton's progress

Baby is now 10 months old. This means that another 2 more months to his first birthday! I have left my job for half a year already, how time flies!

Clayton is now able to perform below action:
-crawls backwards (strange enough, he does not know how to move forward)
-sits upright on his own when being put in lying position
-screams loudly when Janice bullies him
-spit out food that is less flavourful (eg. plain rice/tofu/steamed fish)
-cries when he finishes his milk/food (he NEVER feels full no matter how much we feed him)
-knows how to look up on the ceiling when I ask him "Where is the fan?"
-smiles/laughs when he sees his newfound love, Mickey Mouse
-make growling sound when he is angry (sometimes he will move backwards in his walker and show his tantrums too!)
-gets all excited when we are ready to go out
-sleeps through the night without anymore midnight feedings! Yay for me! I have removed his 8pm nap time from his daily schedule (previously he naps at 10am, 2pm and 8pm) and have increased 1oz of milk for his last feeding before bed time between 9pm-10pm. With one nap removed, he feels extra tired and will doze off almost immediately after drinking milk. Also, together with extra milk, he can now sleep till the next morning around 7am-8am without feeling hungry. Hooray!

Ok, that's about it.

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